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Painting & Wallpaper Services in Pakenham, Victoria

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161 Professionals

Featured Reviews for Painting & Wallpaper Services in Pakenham, Victoria

Carroll's Coatings
Painting & Wallpaper Services in Pakenham, Victoria
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars24 May 2019
“We had Caroll’s Coatings paint the outside of our weatherboard house in late December 2018/early 2019. Shane was outstanding from start to finish. Our house was badly blistered from sun and prior paint and Shane took the time to understand the issue. He went over and above to rectify the problem, providing us great advice and a workable solution. We are so pleased with the result. He did an excellent job on our house and we would highly recommend him to anyone in the Melbourne area. We are looking and painting the inside of our house and won’t hesitate to hire him again.”
The Wall Sticker Company
Painting & Wallpaper Services in Pakenham, Victoria
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars27 October 2015
“I can't speak highly enough of The Wallpaper Company. We are a digital agency and contacted Jen to produce a very large photo image for our boardroom sliding doors. Jen and her team were super responsive and went well and truly above and beyond to ensure that we have a great experience with them. I would not hesitate to recommend them for anyone looking for a wall sticker company. We are looking forward to using them in our new office next month!”
Wallpaper Brokers
Painting & Wallpaper Services in Pakenham, Victoria
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars19 September 2017
“Wallpaper Brokers have a great range of wallpapers and custom murals. Michelle and the teams knowledge of wallpaper is vast backed with a library of pattern books as well as wallpaper in stock. They worked with me to produce some very large murals which were custom printed. They are so helpful and professional to make sure your job is stunning success.”
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