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Houzz for Brands

Influence and inspire with brand advertising

Engage with millions of potential customers, build your authority and impact buying decisions on the #1 platform for home renovation and design. Only Houzz influences the journey end-to-end for both homeowners and home professionals, and your brand can be there every step of the way.

Want to make the Houzz community a fan of your brand?

Our community is enthusiastic, affluent and in-market

Millions of homeowners come to get inspired, browse products and find home professionals (2.5+ million of them), making Houzz the place to be.


own one home.

32% own a 2nd home*


plan to renovate in 2022*


plan to decorate in 2022*


plan to build a home in 2022*

*2022 Houzz and Home user survey

Our brand solutions make an impact

Position your products for maximum appeal via rich custom articles designed to educate and inspire. Articles are written by Houzz’s best-in-class Content team and shared with our audience of millions.

You’re in good company

Houzz is seen as a trusted third-party source which boosts our standing in the industry. You can really trust Houzz with your product and content. The team takes the time to understand your brand and how to connect it to the Houzz audience. Out of all the platforms I work with, I know I can always count on Houzz.


What our Partners like about our Audience and Advertising Solutions

Frequently asked questions

Want to make the Houzz community a fan of your brand?