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Pool Design Ideas

Woodsmith Residence
Woodsmith Residence
Abe McCarthy ArchitectsAbe McCarthy Architects
Design ideas for a modern pool in Melbourne.
Barnes MatinaBarnes Matina
Inspiration for a modern pool in Melbourne.
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Mitcham Abode
Mitcham Abode
Glasshouse ProjectsGlasshouse Projects
Inspiration for a contemporary pool in Adelaide.
The DesignoryThe Designory
Photo of a country pool in Other.
Soul Beach House
Soul Beach House
Allcast PrecastAllcast Precast
Design ideas for a tropical pool in Sunshine Coast.
Spicers Sangoma Retreat
Spicers Sangoma Retreat
Sareen Stone Pty LtdSareen Stone Pty Ltd
Design ideas for a midcentury pool in Sydney.
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Gwinganna, Kiama
Gwinganna, Kiama
Lime Building GroupLime Building Group
Inspiration for a modern custom-shaped pool in Wollongong with gravel.
Central Residence
Central Residence
Dylan Barber Building DesignDylan Barber Building Design
This is an example of a mid-sized contemporary backyard rectangular pool in Geelong with natural stone pavers.
Walless Cabana
Walless Cabana
Walless ArchitectureWalless Architecture
A Sympathetic In-between Positioned at the edge of the Field of Mars Reserve, Walless Cabana is the heart of family living, where people and nature come together harmoniously and embrace each other. In creating a seamless transition between the existing family home and the distant bushland, Walless Cabana deliberately curates the language of its surroundings through the Japanese concept of 'Shakkei' or borrowed scenery, ensuring its humble and respectful presence in place. Despite being a permanent structure, it is a transient space that adapts and changes dynamically with everchanging nature, personalities and lifestyle.
RG Design StudioRG Design Studio
Beach style pool in Sunshine Coast.
Custom Coastal Luxe Home Build
Custom Coastal Luxe Home Build
BCD Building Pty LtdBCD Building Pty Ltd
This is an example of a beach style pool in Sydney.
Kingfisher House
Kingfisher House
Kai KonstructKai Konstruct
Photo of a country pool in Gold Coast - Tweed.
20 Kristen Court, Redcliffe - Part Style
20 Kristen Court, Redcliffe - Part Style
Impact Property StylingImpact Property Styling
Pool area
Photo of a beach style pool in Brisbane.
Redhead Custom Home
Redhead Custom Home
Intebuilt NewcastleIntebuilt Newcastle
Outdoor Pool & Alfresco Area
Photo of a contemporary pool in Newcastle - Maitland.

Pool Design Ideas

Saunders Building Company Pty LtdSaunders Building Company Pty Ltd
This is an example of a beach style pool in Brisbane.
Cochrane Street
Cochrane Street
Finesse ProjectsFinesse Projects
Photo of a contemporary pool in Brisbane.