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Full Sun Garden Design Ideas with with a Gate

Toorak, Melbourne, Wrought iron Gold gilding
Toorak, Melbourne, Wrought iron Gold gilding
Polished external pure gold , gold leaf gilding to wrought iron Entry Gate . Unlike paint, the gold will never lose its lustre or elegance.
Design ideas for a small arts and crafts front yard full sun formal garden in Melbourne with with a gate.
株式会社 木村グリーンガーデナー株式会社 木村グリーンガーデナー
門からの眺めは 既存のマキの木や黒松に合わせて木曽石を使い豪快に積みあげました。 グレーのピンコロ石を全面に張り 重厚な雰囲気の門扉に合わせました。
Photo of a large traditional front yard full sun garden for summer in Other with with a gate and natural stone pavers.
Broadmore Residence
Broadmore Residence
Kim Rooney DesignKim Rooney Design
This is an example of a mid-sized front yard full sun formal garden in Seattle with with a gate and natural stone pavers.
6' White Cedar Gate
6' White Cedar Gate
Mjolnir ConstructionMjolnir Construction
We've had some hot weather again this week, but not as hot as this beautiful white cedar gate we installed for our customer in Stittsville. Standing at 6'h, it features two 6x6 posts capped with galvanized black metal post caps. The modern look is complemented by horizontal boards and black metal hardware. On the backside is a typical gate latch and security bolt, with an additonal handle. As a special request by our customer, a small viewing panel was installed that can swing open to peek out towards the front yard!
Provence comes to California
Provence comes to California
Sweet Smiling LandscapesSweet Smiling Landscapes
This beautiful property is located in the hills above of Montecito with 360 degree of views onto the Channel Islands and the surrounding mountains. Inspired by the Japanese landscape design principal of the borrowed landscape the gardens on this property serves as a kind of picture frame from which to view the natural beauty of its surroundings. This 15-year-old costume-built home was crafted with all the style and workmanship ship found in Villa or Château in the Mediterranean. Unfortunately, the garden design was not as well thought out as the house was. Most of this property receives baking sun, drying winds and is in an extremely high fire danger area. Do to these factors many of the plants on the property were unsuitable for their location. The original planting scheme was also lifeless and colorless. Poor landscape maintenance had left many of the plants on the property sick and dying. We came in to revive this landscape, breathing new life into it. Creating a drought tolerant and fire wise landscape was of utmost importance to these clients. Staying true to the more formal landscape styles found in Southern Europe we also want to create an opportunity to design seamlessly blend with its natural surroundings. We did that by incorporating a lot of California native plants. This vast property also contains an avocado orchard and a vineyard. By adding California native plants the property is inviting in native birds and insects that help keep pollinate the orchard and vineyard and keep pest problems at bay. Because these clients enjoy harvesting from their land we added elements of edible landscaping to this project. We filled pottery and planter beds with fruit trees, culinary and medicinal herbs as well as flowers that can be used in cut flower arrangements. Lastly, we went through carefully pruning diseased plants, treating pest problems an improving the soil. Now the landscape is not only more beautiful it is more protected against fire, is more water wise and integrate into its surrounds with a wholistic approach.
Port Moody Condo - Aluminum Picket Fence Build
Port Moody Condo - Aluminum Picket Fence Build
Premium Fence CompanyPremium Fence Company
Design ideas for an expansive traditional side yard full sun formal garden for summer in Vancouver with with flowerbed, with a gate, with privacy feature, with path, concrete pavers and a vinyl fence.
Brentwood Beauty
Brentwood Beauty
Native Edge LandscapeNative Edge Landscape
Inspiration for a mid-sized modern front yard full sun xeriscape for summer in Austin with with a gate, decomposed granite and a metal fence.
Английская неоклассика в КП Парквилл. 2019 г.
Английская неоклассика в КП Парквилл. 2019 г.
ARCADIA GARDEN Ландшафтная  СтудияARCADIA GARDEN Ландшафтная Студия
Неоклассический особняк органично вписывается в окружение единых по стилю домов, что явно является преимуществом поселка. Главный дом был реконструирован. При въезде был выстроен дом для персонала с дополнительным гаражом и навесом для машин. В основу проекта, отталкиваясь от стиля, мы взяли регулярность конструктивных элементов – дорожек и площадок, поддержанных аллеей из боярышника и кессонными клумбы из стриженного кустарника. Мягкость и природность форм цветников и массивов кустарника сглаживают угловатость мощения, вносят в сад динамичность и живописность. Просторные веранды и площадка для приема гостей создают тесную связь дома с садом. А необходимую приватность в этой зоне мы создаем плотными многоярусными кулисами, скрывающими границы пышным зеленый фоном, гармонично связанным с соседними участками. Существующие поселковые посадки были максимально адаптированы в новый дизайн. Перед началом работ были пересажены шесть взрослых деревьев. Массивы из кизильника от переднего забора из зоны стройки перенесены за дом и вписаны в созданную геометрию.. В ассортименте используем много кустарников, высаженных группами и большими мономассивами. Цветущие в течение сезона гортензии, шиповники, сирени, спиреи оттеняются спокойной зеленью хвойных, кизильника, дерена. В качестве цветного фона, созвучного колористике дома - красно-бурая листва пузыреплодника, черемухи, яблони и клена Кримсон Кинг. В ассортименте многолетников поддержана тема английского сада. Все ландшафтные работы, включая мощение и освещение выполнены Ландшафтной студией ARCADIA GARDEN Архитектура и дизайн интерьера- Архитектурная мастерская Нины Прудниковой. Фото Диана Дубовицкая
Modell Borkum
Modell Borkum
Nordzaun Zäune - Tore - Sicherheit, Torben SuhrNordzaun Zäune - Tore - Sicherheit, Torben Suhr
Zaun- und Toranlage aus Aluminium in der geraden Ausführung. Das Flügeltor wird mit Oberflurantrieben angetrieben. Im Kommunikationspfosten ist der Briefkasten, die Sprechanlage und die Videokamera integriert,
Entry pillars and gate
Entry pillars and gate
Paso Robles LandscapingPaso Robles Landscaping
Custom wall cut out of Carmel stone with iron gate, pavers and landscaping
Inspiration for a mid-sized country courtyard full sun driveway for spring in San Luis Obispo with with a gate, concrete pavers and a metal fence.
「手招きする塀」Landscape design
「手招きする塀」Landscape design
道路境界に新設した塀並びにそれに伴う外構デザインです。 塀はお社周りを囲むようにパブリックスペースを作り材料は保水セラミックを採用しました。 雨水利用にた潅水システムを構築し塀に保水させることで長時間気化熱により周囲の気温を下げることができます。 自宅敷地内の涼風の実現はもちろん、通りすがり人やパブリックスペースで休憩をする地域の人々に対しても涼しい居場所を提供します。
Загородная жизнь
Загородная жизнь
Фотограф Марк КожураФотограф Марк Кожура
Design ideas for a transitional front yard full sun driveway for summer in Moscow with concrete pavers and with a gate.
Inspiration for a mid-sized front yard full sun driveway for winter in Kobe with with a gate, natural stone pavers and a metal fence.
Fountain landscaping
Fountain landscaping
Zones Landscaping Auckland Central Kate RyanZones Landscaping Auckland Central Kate Ryan
Fountain Curved gardens Brick driveway
This is an example of a mid-sized traditional front yard full sun garden in Auckland with with a gate, natural stone pavers and a stone fence.
Cotswold Kitchen Garden
Cotswold Kitchen Garden
Mid-sized country backyard full sun garden in Wiltshire with with a gate.
Featured Projects
Featured Projects
Sekuru FencesSekuru Fences
Dog run on a farm! 6 foot high black chain link with 2” squares and 2.3/8” line posts. Client requested a strong fence, close to the ground for a secure dog training run for two larger dogs.
Design ideas for a mid-sized front yard full sun driveway for winter in Kobe with with a gate, natural stone pavers and a metal fence.
Foothill Midcentury Modern Outdoorsy
Foothill Midcentury Modern Outdoorsy
Califia EcodesignCalifia Ecodesign
Tea tree, citrus, avocado, native sages and ornamental grasses provide privacy for a sloped side yard of raised vegetable beds.
Photo of a large sloped full sun garden for summer in Los Angeles with with a gate, river rock and a wood fence.
Braidwood Country House
Braidwood Country House
Architecture RepublicArchitecture Republic
Design ideas for a large and australian native country side yard full sun xeriscape for fall in Canberra - Queanbeyan with with a gate, gravel and a wood fence.
Clôtures bois + seuil et poteaux de portail
Clôtures bois + seuil et poteaux de portail
Inspiration for a large beach style front yard full sun garden in Bordeaux with with a gate and a wood fence.

Full Sun Garden Design Ideas with with a Gate