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Design ideas for a mid-sized contemporary master bathroom in Sydney with flat-panel cabinets, white cabinets, a freestanding tub, a one-piece toilet, multi-coloured tile, metal tile, multi-coloured walls, marble floors, a vessel sink and multi-coloured floor.
Santamaria Design
Santamaria Design
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars63 ReviewsView Profile

Links Avenue

Contemporary Bathroom, Sydney

What Houzz contributors are saying
The Plumbette added this to A Tradie Explains: 5 Reasons to Not Attempt Your Own Plumbing9 July 2018

Plumbing is a licensed trade that must not be attempted by an unlicensed person. Plumbers are trained to conduct...

What Houzzers are commenting on
merme123 added this to bathrooms7 September 2023

Tiles and vanity