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About Us

Established 35 years ago, Wallrocks is a family owned high quality antique retailer specialising in fine 18th and 19th century French and English antique furniture, mirrors and lighting for luxury contemporary and classical homes. Wallrocks’ extensive antique collection of unique furniture is hand-picked specifically for its level of quality, design, flair and authenticity. Not only do we take pride in our significant knowledge and expertise in the antiques world, we are proud of the excellent customer service that comes from a genuine love for what we do best. We have an in-depth understanding of every antique passing through Wallrocks’ shops, including its origin, construction, quality and age, so customers can be absolutely confident of the authenticity of their purchase, which we support in writing with a Certificate of Authenticity. Wallrocks do not sell fakes and copies. Wallrocks Director and founder Nick Wallrock was a customs antiques authenticator from 1985, and was President of the Queensland Antique Association for many years. Wallrocks is a certified member of the AAADA (Australian Antique & Art Dealers Association) and CINOA, the non profit international federation of dealer associations.

Services Provided

Custom Furniture, Furniture Sales, Lighting Sales, French Antique Furniture

Areas Served

Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Tasmania, Adelaide, Regional Australia


Member of Australia Antique & Art Association Members of CINOA

Professional Information

www.wallrocks.com.au (07) 3862 2253 or 0407590977 Australian Licensed Antique Dealer


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Business Details

Business Name


Phone Number

(07) 3862 2253


Brisbane, Queensland 4010

Typical Job Cost

RUB 3,000 - RUB 40,000


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