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About Us

BIG BRAND | LOCAL BUILDER | QUEENSLAND | NEW SOUTH WALES | VICTORIA Since 2001, we have been helping Australian families to create chapter after chapter of their own unforgettable stories. At Adenbrook Homes we understand choosing a builder is just as important as choosing the right home design. Being locally owned and operated, our objective is to provide exceptional client service delivered by our professional team, an extensive range of stunning award-winning home designs, with a smooth and structured building process. We employ a team of local tradespeople and utilise trusted suppliers to achieve quality workmanship and deliver a home we are all proud of.

Services Provided

House Plans, New Home Construction

Areas Served

Brisbane, Port Macquarie, Coffs Harbour, South-East Queensland, Gold Coast, Northern Rivers & Tweed, Greater Sydney, Greater Melbourne

Professional Information

This work is exclusively owned by AB Aust. IP Pty Ltd (ACN 163 575 077) and cannot be reproduced or copied wholly or in part, in any form without the permission of Adenbrook Homes Pty Ltd. Greater Brisbane: QBCC Lic No. 15034354 | Gold Coast: QBCC Lic No. 1302884 | Northern Rivers Tweed: NSW Builders Lic No. 286000C | Coffs Harbour & Port Macqaurie: NSW Builders Lic No. 215259C | Greater Sydney: NSW Builders Lic No. 193747C


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Business Details

Business Name

Adenbrook Homes

Phone Number

1300 086 272


Brisbane, Queensland 4102


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