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Chris P
4 years ago


My father and I are nearly done with the renovation of our family home and need help deciding what would be best for our staircase. Below are images of the house as it is now. The first floor is comprised of linoleum flooring and are a brownish / grey color. The second floor is European Oak (https://hallmarkfloors.com/product/twain-oak/) that has brownish hues.

Our dilemma is deciding on a stain color. At first we were trying to match the first floor colors, but after talking to several floor professionals, we were informed it would be very difficult to match due to the linoleum being a engineered / printed look (makes sense). So our thought now is to either preserve the unfinished natural white oak look and apply something like Bona Birch with Satin finish (see image below for inspiration), or try and stain the stair treads and handrail to match as closely as possible to the floors on the second floor. Any suggestions or ideas, even if it is different from what I laid out, would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance, Houzz community.

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