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Design ideas for a mediterranean backyard xeriscape in Santa Barbara with gravel.
Paul Hendershot Design, Inc.
Paul Hendershot Design, Inc.
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars43 ReviewsView Profile

Family Compound

Mediterranean Garden, Santa Barbara

Many outdoor rooms interconnect around this entire “Family Compound,” a back house, and adjourning guest home. There is everything you need to entertain a giant family and to have friends over for a pool party. Some elements include a huge agave orchard with courtyards, an outdoor BBQ kitchen, a vegetable garden with fruit trees, a swimming pool, patios and levels. The landscape design also addresses drought tolerance and organic gardening. Paul Hendershot Design Inc. furniture: https://www.houzz.com/photos/products/seller--paulhendershot PC | Alicia Cattoni for paulhendershotdesign.com