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Small transitional single-wall laundry cupboard in San Francisco with white cabinets, marble benchtops, a side-by-side washer and dryer, shaker cabinets, dark hardwood floors, brown floor, white benchtop and white walls.
Urrutia Design
Urrutia Design
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars23 ReviewsView Profile

"Sea Captain's House" Sausalito, CA

Transitional Laundry Room, San Francisco

Photography by Matt Sartain
What Houzz contributors are saying
Erin Carlyle added this to How to Get Rid of Clothes Moths... and Prevent Them in Future12 November 2018

3. Finally, treat (or throw away) moth-eaten itemsIf you want to keep an item that moths have clearly fed on or that...

What Houzzers are commenting on
Deb Fountain added this to Deb's Ideas4 days ago

Laundry room