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Fireplace Installers & Retailers in Byron Bay, New South Wales

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Featured Reviews for Fireplace Installers & Retailers in Byron Bay, New South Wales

Aurora Suspended Wood Fires
Fireplace Installers & Retailers in Byron Bay, New South Wales
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars24 April 2015
“I purchased an Aether suspended fire from the people at Aurora. They were excellent to deal with and answered my constant questions and e-mails (about 20 e-mails) very efficiently. They went out of their way to provide a top notch service. They also helped me to find an installer in Sydney, to fit the fire into my house. The installer had never installed one before and they facilitated everything with him. It was actually very easy to install, as it happened. I would recommend Aurora wood fires to anybody. The Aether is now the centerpiece in our lounge. It is a piece of art and extremely well built. Gives off plenty of heat too.”
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