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Lighting Designers & Suppliers in Noosa, Queensland

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Featured Reviews for Lighting Designers & Suppliers in Noosa, Queensland

Light Fan World
Lighting Designers & Suppliers in Noosa, Queensland
Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars12 November 2023
“After conducting thorough research due to the significant nature of the purchase, which involved a complete set of townhouses with lighting, ceiling fans, solar, and air conditioning, I consistently preferred dealing directly with reputable retailers. I shared the plans with 2-3 others, and Light Fan World stood out by promptly responding with a courteous email, indicating their team's engagement with the plans. They followed up with a detailed phone call, and to my amazement, I received comprehensive plans and selections in my email within three days. Although I obtained other quotes a week later, none matched the thoroughness, competitive pricing, and approachability of the Light Fan World team. They possess a wealth of knowledge. I highly recommend trying them first; you won't be disappointed. They have become my go-to for lights, ceiling fans, solar, and air conditioning, and I'm about to inquire about security products as well. I will highly recommend them to friends and family. I have another set of units coming up I will speak shortly.”
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