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Pool landscaping opinions!

8 years ago
last modified: 8 years ago

We are completely redoing our outdoor entertaining area and I would love some advice as to how to do the edges of the garden.

Since the photos were taken we now have our coping on, we have gone for an Ash Grey Granite 400 x 400 tile. The body tile which will replace the existing grass in the first photo and all of the pavers will be a 600 x 400 Ash Grey Granite tile.

I would like some ideas for what we could put along the back fence line behind the pool. And also how to "dress up" the existing fence. Our roof tile is woodland grey, the house will be rendered a light colour and we are using Merbau timber around various areas of the garden to give you some idea of colours being used.

Ideas we have so far are:

- Concrete and tile to the fence line & have plants in pots

- Put plants along the back in the existing soil and cover with stones or mulch

- Build raised stone retaining wall and plant in that.

For all of the above instances we are looking at planting Yucca and Agave along the back as from what I can gather they are OK around a pool. But I am more than welcome to have feedback and make changes to that.

Thanks in advance.

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