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How to fix the back end of my house

4 years ago

I've long been in love with heritage homes but they were not in love with my budget or time.

So I've bought a very cute weatherboard austerity cottage early 1940's that has art deco styled wood paneling on the inside, nice thick cornices and beautiful hardwood floors. It's been a well loved home and is in fantastic condition for it's 80yrs. Someone has gone to the trouble of putting a large and nicely finished deck on the back. The original hipped roof was extended to cover the deck (no skillion roof) and it was also lined to cover the rafters. It looks very high end.

What isn't high end though was the afterthought given to the back of the house. It's been galvo clad (yes I know this is a thing but to me it's goddawful) especially tacked onto the back of a weatherboard home with ultra-wide classic boards. What's worse is that the cladding completely covers what would have been an entire sunroom of windows. There are now no windows that overlook the garden. Just a single backdoor to access this deck. I'm guessing this part of the house was probably a fibro lean-to being the location of the old bathroom and laundry. Perhaps they ran out of money and just finished it off cheaply. Considering how nice the rest of the house is, this is pretty much a crime in my books. I need that sunroom with sun in it, and I need good access to the deck.

Wanting to see any other austerity cottage makeovers where the reno wasn't to gut the house and make it modern. I actually love this homes quirky little neat as a pin grandma's house look and it's dolls house proportions. It sits very nicely on the small block with plenty of room in the backyard. I'd like to see how these homes can look done up to the nines while retaining their character.

Looking for idea's on how to make that sunroom a beautiful part of the home and connect to the deck. It's not necessary to increase the interior living space as it's a warm climate and you can use the deck year round. I'm more wanting that wall of windows look back in the home in a sympathetic way.

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