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Master Bedroom, Ensuite and Laundry Layout

2 years ago

We are trying to change the layout of our house (with minimal costs) to get a master bedroom and ensuite in the house. We don't want to lose any bedrooms or living space. We are blocking off the doorway in the kitchen to the side door and wondering whether we can then create a bit of a master suite using the bedroom between the bathroom and the laundry. The laundry could be the ensuite. We don't use that side door that much so happy to use that space for the master. Not sure how we can make that layout work best though - the laundry is 3m x 1.8m and that side entry way is 1.3m wide.

The only problem then is where do we put the laundry? One idea we had was putting it as a euro laundry in the 'store' cupboards. These are only 500mm deep though so would have to go into the family room a bit, which we wouldn't mind too much (we have also opened up the doorway between the family room and entry way just as an FYI). Don't know if that would work if there is another way?

Any suggestions would be helpful!

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