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Inspiration for a contemporary backyard custom-shaped infinity pool with tile.
AIBD - American Institute of Building Design
AIBD - American Institute of Building Design
Average rating: 3.7 out of 5 stars3 ReviewsView Profile

2017 ARDA Best In Show

Contemporary Pool

This home was designed with a clean, modern aesthetic that imposes a commanding view of its expansive riverside lot. The wide-span, open wing design provides a feeling of open movement and flow throughout the home. Interior design elements are tightly edited to their most elemental form. Simple yet daring lines simultaneously convey a sense of energy and tranquility. Super-matte, zero sheen finishes are punctuated by brightly polished stainless steel and are further contrasted by thoughtful use of natural textures and materials. The judges said “this home would be like living in a sculpture. It’s sleek and luxurious at the same time.” The award for Best In Show goes to RG Designs Inc. and K2 Design Group Designers: Richard Guzman with Jenny Provost From: Bonita Springs, Florida