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Inspiration for an expansive transitional open plan kitchen in Minneapolis with a farmhouse sink, recessed-panel cabinets, blue cabinets, grey splashback, panelled appliances, light hardwood floors, with island, white benchtop, quartzite benchtops and stone slab splashback.
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Myrtle House

Transitional Kitchen, Minneapolis

Built in the iconic neighborhood of Mount Curve, just blocks from the lakes, Walker Art Museum, and restaurants, this is city living at its best. Myrtle House is a design-build collaboration with Hage Homes and Regarding Design with expertise in Southern-inspired architecture and gracious interiors. With a charming Tudor exterior and modern interior layout, this house is perfect for all ages.
What Houzz contributors are saying
Georgia Madden added this to 7 Common Kitchen Design Challenges & How Experts Get Around Them15 July 2022

5. Problem: Not designing the space holisticallyMinett Johnson says:Kitchens that aren’t properly tailored to the...

What Houzzers are commenting on
Sondra Cover added this to Sondra's ideas6 days ago

Love the wood vent hood