Scandinavian Kids' Playroom Design Ideas
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Balance Interior Design
Bespoke ply playroom joinery for climbing playing and reading. Featuring an indoor swing and wallpapered ceiling.
Design ideas for a large scandinavian gender-neutral kids' playroom in Wiltshire with blue walls, carpet, blue floor and wallpaper.
Design ideas for a large scandinavian gender-neutral kids' playroom in Wiltshire with blue walls, carpet, blue floor and wallpaper.
iPozdnyakov Studio
Designer: Ivan Pozdnyakov Foto: Alexander Volodin
Design ideas for a mid-sized scandinavian kids' room for boys in Moscow with multi-coloured walls, light hardwood floors and beige floor.
Design ideas for a mid-sized scandinavian kids' room for boys in Moscow with multi-coloured walls, light hardwood floors and beige floor.
Photo of a large scandinavian kids' playroom for girls and kids 4-10 years old in Other with multi-coloured walls and painted wood floors.
Photo of a large scandinavian kids' playroom for girls and kids 4-10 years old in Other with multi-coloured walls and painted wood floors.
Emergent Form Architecture
This is an example of a mid-sized scandinavian gender-neutral kids' playroom in New York.
Marco Ricca
Inspiration for a scandinavian gender-neutral kids' playroom for kids 4-10 years old in New York with multi-coloured walls and light hardwood floors.
Inspiration for a scandinavian gender-neutral kids' playroom for kids 4-10 years old in New York with multi-coloured walls and light hardwood floors.
m monroe design
Dylan Chandler
Mid-sized scandinavian gender-neutral kids' room in New York with beige walls, medium hardwood floors and brown floor.
Mid-sized scandinavian gender-neutral kids' room in New York with beige walls, medium hardwood floors and brown floor.
CARLO Berlin Design & Development GmbH
Fotograf: Jens Schumann
Der vielsagende Name „Black Beauty“ lag den Bauherren und Architekten nach Fertigstellung des anthrazitfarbenen Fassadenputzes auf den Lippen. Zusammen mit den ausgestülpten Fensterfaschen in massivem Lärchenholz ergibt sich ein reizvolles Spiel von Farbe und Material, Licht und Schatten auf der Fassade in dem sonst eher unauffälligen Straßenzug in Berlin-Biesdorf.
Das ursprünglich beige verklinkerte Fertighaus aus den 90er Jahren sollte den Bedürfnissen einer jungen Familie angepasst werden. Sie leitet ein erfolgreiches Internet-Startup, Er ist Ramones-Fan und -Sammler, Moderator und Musikjournalist, die Tochter ist gerade geboren. So modern und unkonventionell wie die Bauherren sollte auch das neue Heim werden. Eine zweigeschossige Galeriesituation gibt dem Eingangsbereich neue Großzügigkeit, die Zusammenlegung von Räumen im Erdgeschoss und die Neugliederung im Obergeschoss bieten eindrucksvolle Durchblicke und sorgen für Funktionalität, räumliche Qualität, Licht und Offenheit.
Zentrale Gestaltungselemente sind die auch als Sitzgelegenheit dienenden Fensterfaschen, die filigranen Stahltüren als Sonderanfertigung sowie der ebenso zum industriellen Charme der Türen passende Sichtestrich-Fußboden. Abgerundet wird der vom Charakter her eher kraftvolle und cleane industrielle Stil durch ein zartes Farbkonzept in Blau- und Grüntönen Skylight, Light Blue und Dix Blue und einer Lasurtechnik als Grundton für die Wände und kräftigere Farbakzente durch Craqueléfliesen von Golem. Ausgesuchte Leuchten und Lichtobjekte setzen Akzente und geben den Räumen den letzten Schliff und eine besondere Rafinesse. Im Außenbereich lädt die neue Stufenterrasse um den Pool zu sommerlichen Gartenparties ein.
Smart Playrooms
Julieane Webb Photography
Small scandinavian gender-neutral kids' playroom in New York with white walls, carpet and beige floor for kids 4-10 years old.
Small scandinavian gender-neutral kids' playroom in New York with white walls, carpet and beige floor for kids 4-10 years old.
Wood and Hearts
¤ DIMENSIONS of Standard Montessori ramp :
Height: 99 cm/38.78 in
Width: 38 cm/ 15 in
¤ DIMENSIONS of Standard Montessori Arch:
Height: 47 cm/ 18,5 in
Width: 97 cm/ 38 in
Length steps : 52 cm/ 20,5 in
¤ DIMENSIONS of Standard Montessori Triangle:
Height: 81 cm/ 32 in
Width: 87,5 cm/ 34,4 in
Length steps: 80 cm/ 31, 5 in
The indoor playground encourages the development of a child's movement, agility, and reaction skills. It is also an excellent stimulator for the legs, which helps prevent the development of children's flat feet.
Matthias Hiller / STUDIO OINK
Small scandinavian kids' playroom in Leipzig with white walls, medium hardwood floors and grey floor for kids 4-10 years old and boys.
Small scandinavian kids' playroom in Leipzig with white walls, medium hardwood floors and grey floor for kids 4-10 years old and boys.
Girls' room with minimal decor and a pink Moroccan rug.
Design ideas for a scandinavian kids' playroom for kids 4-10 years old and girls in Denver with white walls, light hardwood floors and brown floor.
Design ideas for a scandinavian kids' playroom for kids 4-10 years old and girls in Denver with white walls, light hardwood floors and brown floor.
Hide & Sleep Interior Design
Design ideas for a scandinavian gender-neutral kids' playroom in Melbourne with white walls and carpet.
Design ideas for a scandinavian gender-neutral kids' playroom in Melbourne with white walls and carpet.
Walk Among The Homes
Elizabeth Santillan
Scandinavian gender-neutral kids' playroom in Brisbane with white walls, painted wood floors and white floor.
Scandinavian gender-neutral kids' playroom in Brisbane with white walls, painted wood floors and white floor.
Bertrand Fompeyrine Photographe
Photo of a scandinavian kids' room for girls in Paris with white walls.
Photo of a scandinavian kids' room for girls in Paris with white walls.
Regan Wood Photography
This is an example of a scandinavian kids' playroom in New York with white walls.
whatleoloves | Kinderzimmerdesign
Christine Hippelein
Mid-sized scandinavian gender-neutral kids' room in Hamburg with white walls, medium hardwood floors and beige floor.
Mid-sized scandinavian gender-neutral kids' room in Hamburg with white walls, medium hardwood floors and beige floor.
エアサイクルの家 株式会社下浦ハウス
Design ideas for a scandinavian gender-neutral kids' playroom for kids 4-10 years old in Sapporo with white walls and light hardwood floors.
Kia Designs
Photography by Anna Stathaki
Large scandinavian gender-neutral kids' playroom in London with blue walls, light hardwood floors and beige floor for kids 4-10 years old.
Large scandinavian gender-neutral kids' playroom in London with blue walls, light hardwood floors and beige floor for kids 4-10 years old.
WAKE design development
2nd-floor TV-loft.
Photo of a scandinavian kids' room in New York with white walls, light hardwood floors, beige floor, timber and vaulted.
Photo of a scandinavian kids' room in New York with white walls, light hardwood floors, beige floor, timber and vaulted.
Scandinavian Kids' Playroom Design Ideas