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Timber Cathedral Ceiling:To paint or not to paint?! Also Kitchen Ideas

4 years ago

I would love some opinions...we have a large family /dining room adjoining our kitchen, (see photos) and flooring is a floating timber floor in Jarrah colour. The ceiling is cathedral style finished in pine which is a yellow/honey colour. Both were already there when we moved in 5 years ago. I have always felt the two timber colours didn't blend well, and the colour of the ceiling can often give everything in the room a yellow hue when the sun is shining which I really dislike. Sooo....the big question. Would it be a crime to paint it a light colour, say off white? Glad of thoughts/ideas. Thanks in advance.
Also needing ideas re our adjoining kitchen. Not wishing to replace it, simply upgrade it a little so it doesn't look dated. Would like to replace the dark red glass splashbacks with a more modern tile, and maybe change the door handles etc...Ideas please! Thanks.

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