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How to quickly and efficiently clean your vacation rental property?

last year

How to quickly and efficiently clean your vacation rental property?

The end of the holidays is approaching and you will have to clean your rental in order to make it fit to recover your deposit. If you haven't carried an armada of household products, two will do the job.

From the greasy fumes of the barbecue to the sand brought back in the sneakers from the beach, your vacation rental has seen all the colors during your stay. But because cleaning is not your priority on vacation, SCS Group Integrated Services a professional residential cleaning company in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, Darwin, Perth, Adelaide, and Hobart helps you clean everything quickly from floor to ceiling.

Clean your vacation rental with the multi-purpose white stone

The holidays are coming to an end and with it, the beginning of a long fuss toput the rental in order and clean. Because it must be admitted, during the holidays, dusting is the least of your worries. As a result, your temporary nest can quickly turn upside down in just a few weeks.

To avoid the hassle of handing over the keys and that the cleaning does not ruin your last precious moments, remember to take the multi-purpose white stone in your luggage. Ideal for indoor and outdoor use, it cleans, degreases, polishes, shines, and protects all surfaces. From chrome to aluminum via enamel, stainless steel, or even PVC, it cleans all objects and accessories potentially found in a vacation rental.

To use it best, moisten the sponge provided, rub it on the stone, and squeeze it several times in your hand until you obtain a foam. Clean the support and rinse with clear water then dry with a soft, lint-free cloth.

Clean the floor, linen, and greasy stains with black soap

Barbecue evenings and everyday accidents can be taken care of with black soap. Composed of highly concentrated potash lye and water, this cleaner has degreasing and detergent properties that have been used for millennia.

Mixed with 5L of hot water, it cleans and stains all types of floors, from linoleum to tiles. On a sponge, it will decrease stubborn barbecue grills, ovens, and pans. Finally, if you don't want to come back with suitcases full of dirty laundry, use it instead of any detergent by pouring a tablespoon of black soap into the tank of the washing machine.

In less time than it takes to say, your vacation rental no longer bears any trace of the good time you spent there, without the cleaning having weighed down your last days of vacation.
