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Better/roomier bathroom floor plan

3 months ago
last modified: 3 months ago

Hi clever people,

I have a QLDer workers cottage raised to legal height (with a future plan to build underneath). The bathroom is tucked in at the end of what was the verandah (i think) and thanks to a accident with some contractors who did a little damage I get an insurance funded bathroom.

Current bathroom has the washing machine in a cupboard at the back of the bathroom. I figure its a good opportunity to move that downstairs (currently just a concrete block, no enclosure) for the future build in underneath and to make the bathroom a bit roomier.

have drawn up a proposed new plan but wondering if the clever people here can think of better things to do , thinking in particular about layout, but also whether theres any benefit it looking at the hallway space between bathroom and toilet, and the toilet space.

My attempt at smartdraw plan

Realestate.com floor plan

Smartdraw - new bathroom draft plan

Old bathroom plan

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