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Have a bare metal 16ft x 7ft fence along the street side...

9 years ago
I've sadly had to remove two overlapping rows of cyprus privacy hedge because of borers. The souther yard is bareand hot. It is my guard dog's main yard and in the absence of the trees and the shrubs he is being teased from the street by cheeky good-for-nothings.
Bordering the street there's an 8ft expanse of 7ft tall divided metal gate for deliveries in a metal fence. It has not been in use for a few years now but would like to keep it functional.
I need a screen that will project above the fence about 2ft. (it cannot be or even appear to be an extention of the fence as the regulation height has already been met.)
I need the privacy now. I cannot wait for more trees to grow, and do not want any more bamboo in that yard.
In the absence of a graphics facility here....
How to get a screen higher than the fence and gate that does not appear to be attached to the top of the fence or the gate?
I see in my mind's eye three steel posts each with a curve that begins !/3 from the top of each, that rises 2ft above the height of the fence and gate and that projects away from the fence, gate into the yard space...and a rail across the ends of these. A screen that begins at the fence-gate 1/3 down from the top of the fence-gate (where the posts begin to bend inwards and continue upwards) and then continuing over to the rail...which is @ about 21/2 ft from the fence gate. From this rail a screen hangs down into the yard. .....
It appears like it a little tunnel just inside the fence/ gate...aboutm 21/2 ft higher than the fence/gate. Nobody would be able to see above it...creepers could further soften it.. it would be semi permanent...and my lovely mastiff would enjoy a shaded pergola all of his own and live in peace in his quiet space.
I wonder does this description sound silly?
In my mind it looks OK but it could easily be a brainstorm of a mad garden architct...Anyone who thinks they can visualise this contraption and can advise or who has a better, simpler....saner idea please help? ???? *****************************!!!!!!
"Which way to go from here?" asked Alice of the Cheshire cat.
"Oh you can go anywhere.....everybody here is mad....you are mad and I am mad!" remarked the cat.
"How do you know that I am mad?" asked Alice.
"You must be!" replied the cat. "Otherwise you would not be here asking me for directions!"...(.not implying that anyone else here is in the realm beyond the looking glass! )

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