The front yard of our house wasn't very well maintained by the previous owner. As spring is approaching fast, could I please have some ideas for freshening it up? want something simple :) thank you!
Bulbs! Bulbs bulbs and more bulbs! The perfect way to freshen up for spring. Its so simple and fun and they look after themselves and give a great look. Check online suppliers like tesselaar and garden express who often sell bulk landscaping amounts of bulbs for really good prices. You can get hundreds of bulbs for well under $100. They often have a mix for for warmer areas if you are a little further north. Plant them out in the garden beds, and around the trees and wait for them to come up. Every year they will give you a great show.
If you are well north, then opt for daylillies and agapanthus and clivias. They will give you variety and low maintenance colour year after year.
The simplest way to give a nice look is to use a mass effect and repeat one or two plants or one colour over the entire front yard. For example choosing say purple and planting rows of lavender, salvia, alliums, and grey foliage plants like lambs ears and rosemary/ westringia.
If I may still offer a comment, after you have enjoyed the springtime of bulb beauty and fragrance, and I would like you to consider a few things.
Consider having your guests park on the street, out by the mailbox, and bring a pedestrian walk in from there to the welcoming area by your handsome entrance steps.
Move the two small shrubs in the lawn into a bed with the larger shrub and extend the bed to surround the large tree, then fill the bed with ground cover plants and bulbs of all seasons.
Cascio Associates - Site Planning - Landscape Arch
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