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Help with floorplan for big home reno/extension please?

6 years ago
last modified: 6 years ago

Hi all

I've be very grateful for any advice/criticisms about this draft floorplan for a home reno /extension to help improve natural lighting and liveability


- old single level federation house in Sydney, Australia, in a conservation area - so the frontage of the house must be preserved and any extensions must not be visible from the street

- no special views

- the back garden may one day be overlooked by apartments on the parallel street (which are not in a conservation area)

- there are 2 story neighbouring federation houses on both sides

- house is located on the high side of the street

- family of 4 including 2 kids aged 6 & 9

- in-laws may visit for extended periods

- I want a study that overlooks the garden

- keen to maximise future resale value

- the trees on the draft plan cannot be removed due to council regulations

- plan to put a pool in but position/size is undecided

Attached is the current floor plan and the proposed reno floorplan (I used a cheap iphone app called Home design 3D which is great for beginners)

- plan is to add an extension across the back and an extra level (dimensions are constrained by need to be hidden behind the current roof to avoid it being visible from street level)

- thinking about using a new entry near the back of the house as a mudroom/kitchen office to access the kitchen/living areas for daily use (instead of using the existing front door)

I'm particularly worried about the living /kitchen areas not getting enough natural light as they are south facing and keen to hear any ways to improve this

We've never done any building/reno work so are totally naive and new to this but hope to enjoy the journey/process of learning and are very open to any criticisms/suggestions

Thanks in advance for any advice!

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