Lawn or natives for the front yard?
6 years ago
last modified: 6 years ago
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Comments (16)
- 6 years ago
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Front yard landscaping
Comments (6)I like the length of the lawn to the road - it makes your property look bigger The letterbox doesn't work with the period of the home - sorry I would remove the garden bed completely, allow the lawn to grow and then plant trees into the lawn - around 3 depending on the varieties Don't whipper snip at the base of the trees unless you know how to use a whipper snipper and don't use Round Up at the base of the trees - the constant use of glyphosate that is residual will kill the trees in time These comments are based on looking at the photo provided without seeing the site in person. The suggestions are based on a low-maintenance garden but you will need to take good care of the trees, otherwise poor specimens will drag down your property....See MoreFront yard - stones
Comments (6)Honestly I would leave it & just put a big decorative pot in the middle. You won't make the buyers happy either way! I have a nice neat reticulated rectangle lawn piece at the front of my house & buyers keep on saying it's too much maintenance. We bought it because it actually had lawn lol. You can't win! I would put a large pot in the middle with like a Sago Palm or one of those large shallow pots in the middle....See MoreFront yard help
Comments (14)I would start with the removal of that ghastly hedge around the base of that magnificent gum. And remove the edging here as well. I would consider a lilly pilly screen down each side of your home - the same plant each side. Ensure that your plant will grow to 3 to 4 metres tall and no wider than 2 metres - less would be better. Many don't need trimming.You will need dedicated garden beds with proper edging to do this properly. You could remove the lawn and plant a predominantly native garden with native grasses, westringia, low growing bottle brush etc. Without knowing the soil type and where this home is makes it difficult to suggest plants. If you do away with the lawn, you have the real problem of kikuyu regrowing - and this is a major problem for novices to address. It may be best to have the tree free-standing in the lawn and the screen plants on each side. Leave for a year or 2 and then reappraise....See MoreHelp with front yard and parking!
Comments (17)Always check with your council, they mostly like to get cars off the street in the city if the can. It is a great looking house and will be made to look even better when the car yard can be moved to the R/H dead side of your house. Don't do something because it's the cheapest, have a plan and wait until you do have a few spare dollars. It will add big value to your property With 4 cars it looks like you could call on some family man power to do some of the work, and if you have family or friends with trades required to do the job, throw a BBQ but no food or Beers until the works done cheers...See More- 6 years ago
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