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Bathroom plumbing dilemma


I've posted before about my problem bathroom but didn't succeed in finding a solution that pleased. - probably because I was trying desperately to avoid moving the shower.

I have had another idea now that does involve moving the shower, and I'm wondering if any clever (and patient!) Houzzers know enough about plumbing to advise? Hopefully someone will highlight any issues this idea presents (or maybe come up with something better.)

I've posted below the plan of my current bathroom and also my idea for rearranging it. The green lines are the approximate locations of drain pipes (which are under 300mm of solid concrete, so not easy to rearrange - particularly since the main line goes down the hallway, which a plumber described as highly unusual.)

My key wants are (in order of priority):

(1) a vanity in the toilet so users can wash their hands if the bathroom is occupied

(2) a more attractive decor

(3) a bath tub

(4) more storage space, especially at above-counter height

(5) an open shower

The floor is currently off white porcelain tiles. The existing shower area has a slightly lowered floor. The walls are tiled floor to ceiling with medium format rectangular pale beige tiles. Overall the condition is excellent, but the decor is very bland and unappealing. There is a massive mirror behind the vanity that is way too large for the room.

I am now wondering just how difficult it might be to relocate the shower? The bath, vanity in toilet and a cupboard could cover the area where the shower was and hopefully the existing shower drain can be used for the bath and new WC vanity?

The new bathroom vanity basin would be right over the drain going out to the hallway. I was kind of hoping the existing vanity drain might be usable for the relocated shower, but I know drain sizes can be an issue. Your ideas and knowledge would be a great help! Thanks.

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