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How To Get Rid Of A Smelly Drain?

How disgusting does it feel when you smell a pungent odor coming from your drain? Definitely, it is a poor experience, and unfortunately, it is a very common issue in every residence. The only way to avoid this smell and enjoy a pleasant atmosphere at home is to keep all your drains clean and hygienic. In case you want to know how to get rid of a smelly drain, this write-up can be the best to help you out. Just give it a read!

Before you check out the various ways to fix your smelly drain, it is necessary to understand the stinky drain causes. Some of them are listed below.

  • Drain clogs that give rise to bacteria
  • Strong smelling foods
  • Rotten foods
  • Sewer gasses

How To Get Rid Of A Smelly Drain?

Cleaning a smelly drain is very necessary to ensure better health and inhale fresh air. So let’s check out the few ways that can help you to fix the drain problems problems easily.

Hot Water Flush

One of the easiest ways to smelly drain fix is by flushing out hot water. Hot water is very effective in killing germs and bacteria. You can mix a couple of squirts of dish soap with water and pour it into the drain by removing the stopper.

Pouring the hot soapy water through the disposal with good force kills all the bacteria and flushes out the debris. A soap contains antibacterial chemicals that can help you with smelly drain fix effectively.

Hot Vinegar Flush

If hot soap water doesn’t work, you can try out a hot vinegar flush. Vinegar contains acid that acts as a disinfectant. It neutralizes the bad odor and eliminates the small and large clogs.

You can use four cups of vinegar in hot water and pour it down the basin drain. The moment you start pouring down the water mixture, the vinegar starts absorbing all the infectious germs and turns the environment odor-free.

Using Eggshells And Citrus Peels

Another way that you can prefer is using eggshells and citrus peels. If you are tired of using other methods and still browsing Google with “how to get rid of a smelly drain,” this particular homemade solution works the best.

What you need to do is – take a handful of eggshells and put them into the disposal cavity. Once it is done, turn the faucet on with full pressure so that the garbage disposal grinds away for a couple of minutes. This step should be followed with lemon peels so that there is a lemon fragrance spreads all around. You can run cold water down the disposal to make the area dirt-free.

Baking Soda & Vinegar Flush

Another way to clean a smelly drain is by flushing a mixture of baking soda and vinegar. We have already spoken about the perks of vinegar, and baking soda has almost similar perks. The mixture of baking soda, vinegar, and hot water is very useful when you want to break congealed grease in your drain.

Just pour a cup of baking soda and add two cups of vinegar into the hot water to flush out the clogged drain. You may have to repeat the process to clean the drain and get the best result.

Hiring a Professional

The home remedy may work sometimes but oftentimes the bring back no result leaving you with the smelly drain all the times. So you must call the plumbing professional to figure out the main reason that causing the drain to smell. They can figure quickly what’s causing the issue and give you with suitable solution for it

Reach Out To Your Sydney Local Plumbing Service

Where do you find a good plumbers for hire? You must lookout for expert local plumbing service provider. Clean and Clear Plumbing is one of the most trusted local plumbers in Sydney that offers various plumbing services, including cleaning a smelly drain as well as emergency plumbing services. It has a team of experienced plumbers who take a short time to fix your blocked and smelly drain. Just give them a call, and they are ready to serve their clients in a short time. The best thing about their services is that you do not have to pay a huge amount. Instead, you can avail of their quality and professional services at a pocket-friendly rate.

Take Away

Are you looking for an easy smelly drain fix? Start with the easy methods but in case they did not work hire a professional plumbing service provider like us. Such an approach will always keep your drains stink-free and clog-free.

