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First timers - Help with redesigning master bedroom, WIR + En Suite

8 months ago

Hi all,

I've just been reading relevant discussions from years ago, and seems there are lots of smart people on here, so I thought I'd make my own post.

As the title suggests, we are newbies. We are looking to do a bathroom reno, which then triggered the thought of optimising the entirety of the master bedroom.

We're confused with how to best use the space and execute a good sized WIR and En suite.

One thing I'm trying to avoid is wasting too much space in the form of a long "hallway style" entrance, as I'd rather an open feel.

In the pics, we've slowly peeled back elements of the room to try give us an understanding of how much space we have. We're also considering squaring off "bedroom 4" to create more space to work with.

All help is appreciated!

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