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Should we remove wall to create a Bedroom balcony??

9 years ago
The bedroom on house we are about to buy has a big front balcony. We have no interest in front balcony's as who will ever use it?!
The idea we have is to remove part/most (depending on structural beams) of the exterior wall and turn into a private bedroom balcony. We would be able to do this to the master and 2nd bedroom as both are at front. We would build a brick/render wall between the room balconies so each is only assessable from each room. Painted to match house. We would put large glass doors which would open the (smallish) rooms right up.

Please give advice and thoughts.........
Would this increase value of house as it's much bigger bedrooms/areas and might increase emotions when people are looking to buy??
Is there any tips you have?
Is there anything I've said that would work or would be a bad idea?
Do you have any ideas?

1. This would not interrupt the front door or stairs at all
2. We are having a tilt--up fence at front and it's a nice garden so people won't be able to see in from road
3. Yes we are removing those hideous balcony pillar beam things. If we go ahead with this the fence would be rendered so people can't see in bedrooms.

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