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what sort of island benchtop material

9 years ago

hello all. up to the next stage in our renovation. the kitchen. We are mostly just re configuring our old kitchen, which i guess was country style?

(apologies for sideways photos-can not get them upright, but you get the gist)

apron sink with white cupboards, black wrought iron handles/accessories. wood paneling.

timber (grey ironbark) bench tops, (They need refinishing, so the finished colour is more like the edge in the photo above, not the close up below/

The main addition, is a new kitchen island. The dilemma is that we can not get additional matching timber for the island. So i have been toying with the idea of making it completely different material, such as granite. and if i go granite, trying to decide between the black, the charcoal or black/white.

What are peoples opinions? Will the granite still suit my country theme? Should i go for timber, either as close a match as possible, or something completely different.

black and white

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