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Landscape Design - covering all grounds!


If you think jumping on Pinterest, repinning your dream garden and popping down to Bunnings on a Saturday to pick up materials and a sausage in bread will translate into creating your own beautiful outdoor space - think again.


Consider landscape design. Yes I know, its a phrase so easily tossed about. But, beneath the surface is the in-depth knowledge pivotal in designing liveable, functional, playful and beautiful outdoor spaces.

So, don’t be led down the garden path, here’s the info to cover all grounds, and think like a pro!

What is landscape design all about?

  • Creating spaces that draw people outside.
  • Spaces that conjure feelings. Remember different landscapes harness different feelings.
  • Landscape design is about creating spaces that can be functional, lived in, played in, entertained in, spaces that aesthetically improve our life, our wellbeing.

As you’d imagine, achieving these takes a fair amount of conceptualising and planning. Quite frankly, there’s a lot of questions to be answered before plant selection, edging material and deck stain colour are decided upon.

Questions to ask

What property do we have to work with?

What’s the architecture of the home?

Where are the recreational spaces?

Function and form… which one has priority?

Who are you? How do you live? Do you have small kids? Are you an older couple?

Do you want to entertain?

Do you want water? To swim in? To look at? To listen to?

Answering these questions generates a brief! Then, its concept sketch time! More to come on that front...

Generating a brief

Be prepared with:

  • key words
  • images
  • budgets

We'll also need:

  • site plans
  • elevations
  • drainage plans
  • Council info

We’ll discuss:

  • function and form
  • aesthetics (texture, contrast, planting palette, balance, shape)
  • Common mistakes!

The design phase is very exciting! Stay tuned for the next step...


We'd love to hear about your design journey.

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