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Bathroom renovation

Charlotte Keane
6 years ago
we've just bought an old brick house, around 1980. It's a fixer upper but been maintained really well from what we can see. we have a never ending list of work we want to do but the bathroom will be a priority.
There are currently 2 doors into the bathroom for access from the front and back of the house, and a separate toilet. I definitely want to block up the sliding door access and would ideally like to knock through to the toilet to have it all in one room.
I have some ideas on design (victorian style with freestanding bath, walk in shower and black vanity with black and white decorative floor tiles) but would LOVE some advice on layout so as to minimise cost.
The size of the bathroom is 360cm x 180cm. The toilet and linen press combined equal 230cm x 80cm.
Any professional advice in particular would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks in anticipation.

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