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Kitchen Reno Feedback / Suggestions

4 years ago

Hey guys,

I'm doing a reno on my kitchen shortly which basically involves doubling it in size (by consuming a room behind it that we don't use).

I think I have a fairly good design but looking for ideas and opinions.

I have kept the sink exactly where it is currently in this design, but am concerned that it potentially pulls it out to one side of the room too far. My only other logical option here seems to be to have it in the middle of the two windows, but not sure how that would look from a design perspective. Note, my two different windows heights (seen in pics) also make this tricky.

The other potential flaw I see is how far away the pantry is, but if it is any closer then something else needs to be pushed further away.

The kitchen is massive. Possibly even too big... is that a thing with kitchens?

Note: in the measurements view, the blank space next to the fridge is an entry way and the blank wall to the right is an opening to a dining room.

Pics attached

I absolutely welcome any feedback or suggestions

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