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Floor plan suggestions and feedback, please :)

7 years ago
last modified: 7 years ago

Rebecca's ideas · More Info
Hi guys

I'm currently looking to purchase land in inner rural Victoria with the intention to build a homestead as a first home buyer. What I'm hoping to take to a Building Designer is a solid concept for a 4 phase build with something like this as the final result.

I've spent a lot of time over the last 8 months looking at various plans on all sorts of sites (Aussie, UK, US, even French, which I don't speak) trying to determine what would best suit my lifestyle. I found this plan, which was pretty close to what I think I want. I've made some adjustments (in MS paint, haha) and relabeled the rooms with metric dimensions to create what I've shared here.

I'm still not completely satisfied with the layout - I think I could probably improve the kitchen and Master Suite, and I'm considering shortening the library to flatten the facade, creating a snug instead. The windows are very much not set. Oh and that staircase goes to loft storage with the option to eventually put an apartment over the garage, but I'm trying to focus on the ground floor.

As for phasing, at this stage I imagine Stage 1 would include the kitchen (acting as kitchen/great room) original dining room (as bedroom), laundry and half bath (as bathroom) pantry (as storage) and garage (as is) but this could potentially change depending on how much I fiddle with the final plan

I think that's about all I have at this stage. I still feel pretty green with this part of the process so any feedback on what I've done so far or thoughts/concerns about the general future plan would be greatly appreciated :)

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