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What we all want to know

6 months ago
Is this stuff good value for money?

Does anyone use a quantity surveyor in the residential context?

In other words, I see plenty pretty photo's but wonder who is capturing the value. Especially when I consider the cost of quality dirt on top a couple of $m.

What we all need is a discussion as to how to maximise the value for the money spent rather than pretty pictures. We all know that the market for real estate has been inflated because of Federal Government tax policy for the last few decades, but what make sense if the merry-go-round slows down to any extent?

Ergo: How do we value the prices for new builds being presented to the market?
I can get a B.Val for dirt, but how do I understand the cost of the building. How do I assess, being an owner builder vs. buying from XYZ builders who have "interesting" track record in recent times.
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