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Ensuite design plan

2 months ago
last modified: 2 months ago

Hi all.

I'm looking for some ideas for our planned ensuite / master bedroom.

The property is waterfront to the rear and so we have a large picture window at the back of master and also a large window facing south which will look down the canal.

What we are trying to do it get some sort of view from the bathroom out to the canal without having a fully open bathroom. See attached current plan which is a wall with a timber batten screen up to 1000mm above that curves around the ensuite. There is then a glass panel above the bath that allows you see out into the bedroom and then through the picture window to the canal. The timber batten screen is ceiling height around the curve.

The closest neighbours would be about 100m away across the other side of the canal.

We having trouble picturing how the glass panel would look and maybe it is too hotel like. A few options we've considered:

- Carry the glass wall around the curve (using curved glass)

- Use battening with no wall behind so you can see through it (deleting the glass panel)

- Ideas on the height of the wall (currently 1000mm)? We won't have anyone other than us in the bedroom but need privacy from neighbours across the canal. This room is first floor and about 5 metres above the water level so privacy from the canal is not a concern.

Any ideas?

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