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Soapstone countertops

Susan Matson
10 years ago
Thinking of having soapstone counter tops for my bathroom .
Is it hard to maintain ?

Comments (3)

  • santoslhauper
    10 years ago
    last modified: 10 years ago
    It scratches easily. I wouldn't say it's hard, but there is more effort in maintaining soapstone than other materials
  • PRO
    10 years ago
    There are many pros to using Soapstone for your bathroom countertops. While soapstone does scratch, it is easily buffed out by rubbing mineral oil into the scratched area. Deeper scratches can be lightly sanded then oiled. Soapstone is non-porous which makes it resistant to bacteria, a major plus when using it in a bathroom! Cleaning requires very little maintenance since it is impervious to staining and doesnt require use of harsh products! Cleaning could mean something as simple as a wipe down using soap and water. I hope this is helpful!
  • k9dancer
    10 years ago
    We have soapstone kitchen counters and just love them, I find them easy to look after and they sure bring in the compliments!