DIY Project: Natural Lavender and Rosemary Moisturiser
Ditch the chemicals and make your own rich moisturiser out of natural ingredients
If you’re tired of reading names you can’t pronounce on the ingredients label of your favourite moisturisers, and you don’t want to spend a fortune on the more ‘natural’ skin care products, it might be time to consider making your own skin cream. This recipe uses natural ingredients such as almond and coconut oils, aloe vera gel and essential oils to make a lightweight but rich moisturiser that’s perfect for the winter months.
Step 1: Sterilise your jar by bringing a large pot of water to the boil, and placing the jar and lid carefully into the water. Leave for about three minutes, then remove from the heat and carefully lift out the jar and lid from the water.
Step 2: Leave them to dry while you prepare your ingredients.
Step 3: Using a coarse grater, grate your beeswax. This will make it quicker and easier to melt.
Step 4: Bring a small amount of water to the boil in a saucepan, then turn the heat down to a simmer.
Place a clean glass, ceramic or stainless-steel bowl over the saucepan. Add the almond oil first, then the coconut oil and beeswax.
After a few minutes the ingredients will have melted and combined. Remove from heat and leave for a few minutes until the bowl is cool enough to handle.
Step 5: Pour the liquid oil mix into a blender. When it solidifies and is cool to the touch (probably an hour or so, depending on the season) it’s ready for the next step.
Step 6: Measure out the aloe vera gel and add the essential oils and carrot seed oil.
Note: Not only does the scent of lavender oil help to calm you, it is also an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that helps to slow the signs of ageing, and an antibacterial agent that helps to clear acne. Rosemary oil is an antimicrobial and can help reduce oiliness while moisturising skin.
Note: Not only does the scent of lavender oil help to calm you, it is also an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that helps to slow the signs of ageing, and an antibacterial agent that helps to clear acne. Rosemary oil is an antimicrobial and can help reduce oiliness while moisturising skin.
There are claims that carrot seed oil can help to protect skin from the effects of the sun. While its SPF value has not been proven, it is a powerful antioxidant that can help to reverse certain signs of ageing, including those caused by sun damage. Add a teaspoon to the gel mixture.
Once the oil mixture has cooled to room temperature, turn the blender on and slowly add the aloe vera gel mixture. Make sure you do this a bit at a time to help the ingredients to emulsify properly.
Once you have achieved the desired smooth consistency (you may have to scrape the sides of the blender down and re-blend once or twice to ensure ingredients are properly combined) scoop the moisturiser out and into your clean, dry jar.
As there is no water added, and all of the ingredients are shelf stable, this moisturiser should not need to be kept in the fridge. However, as with all natural beauty products, it’s recommended to use this cream within one to three months, storing the excess in the fridge if you do make a larger amount. If at any stage you’re concerned about the appearance or smell of the cream, discontinue use.
Note: Any ingredient used in this recipe can have an adverse effect on skin if you’re not used to it, or if you have an allergy. Please be sure to patch test the moisturiser for at least 24 hours to see if your skin reacts to the ingredients, before using it as you would any other beauty care product.
This recipe is courtesy of Sweet Anne Designs and has been customised for use as an anti-ageing cream.
Your turn
If you enjoyed making your own moisturiser, tell us about it in the Comments below. Join the conversation!
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Note: Any ingredient used in this recipe can have an adverse effect on skin if you’re not used to it, or if you have an allergy. Please be sure to patch test the moisturiser for at least 24 hours to see if your skin reacts to the ingredients, before using it as you would any other beauty care product.
This recipe is courtesy of Sweet Anne Designs and has been customised for use as an anti-ageing cream.
Your turn
If you enjoyed making your own moisturiser, tell us about it in the Comments below. Join the conversation!
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- 1/4 cup sweet almond oil
- 1/4 cup coconut oil
- 20-25 grams beeswax
- 1 cup aloe vera gel
- 5 drops each of lavender essential oil and rosemary essential oil
- 1 teaspoon carrot seed oil
Tools- Glass jar with lid
- Measuring cup
- Large saucepan
- Grater
- Glass or stainless steel bowl
- Blender
Note: Essential oils all have unique properties, and can have different effects depending on an individual’s skin. It’s a good idea to research the oils that will work best for for your skin type and your specific needs.