Would love some help with my living room - small beach house
12 years ago
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- 12 years ago
- 12 years ago
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Comments (31)Even though that is a fairly small space you could put some decorative trellises just in front of the fence with some ever flowering vines on them. Install a paver patio between them and the windows you hope to transform into doors.. You could also have the wisteria trained onto a pergola that would create a little shade for the patio as well. Some beautiful potted specimens/flowers and a couple of attractive outdoor chairs and you would have created a beautiful "picture" to act as a focus to the room. Additionally you have extra space for entertaining. Obviously the reason the previous owner obscured the window was because there wasn't much to look at. By creating a "view," you change the dynamic of the room as well as getting the light you want. Actual light will brighten the room like no change of floor would....See MoreHelp! Kitchen & Living Rooms in new house plan layout
Comments (38)One other comment. We have a bedroom off the great room but we set the door back by building out the wall with a fireplace. It helps with sight lines. We used built ins on the left to hide the TV when we have company, and the fireplace is a woodburning BIZ which heats the entire house (we live in a forest,,) the side is for firewood storage and we keep matches, batteries, flashlights in that area, but it does help when our guests are on the sofa from seeing right into the bedroom....See MoreHow can we make our small open plan 2 bedroom beach house bigger?
Comments (27)Hi arcmaz Great house - fantastic 60's modern look - Harry Sidler (Modernist Architect 1923-2006 exponent of the Bauhaus style in Australia, mainly Sydney) would have loved the interpretation, its a good style, don't change it will pay dividends in the long run. It would be good if there was a plan of the house,and a plan of the block this would allow some relatively accurate planning proposals. If you had the real-state plan with the block plan it would help a lot. In terms of making the place bigger and retaining the style I would suggest that the extension (maybe one room and an en suite depending on a budget) be a block in the today's current style, but linked to the existing house via a "link" (Link =small walkway). This would allow you to retain the style, but not be dominated by a past period, I have done this a few times and it has worked fairly well. If you are looking for three bedrooms it might be best to add a master bedroom with a bathroom, and then maybe living areas with back yard access. There may be other approaches depending on the current layout that could be considered, but I would retain as much as the original as possible, and only make small cosmetic changes until you are ready for a worthy development. I hope this is of some help, I would be happy to comment further or work on this project. Regards - Michael Manias Manias Associates Building designers - mm407p@gmail.com...See MoreLooking for some unique ideas for a beach house
Comments (11)Whereabouts? Living inland I always think there are colours that don't work here and work beautifully for coastal settings, but I also wonder if that varies depending on other things like latitude and whether it's more of a coastal bush block or an open site with beach views. My first thoughts, echoing some of what oklouise said, were decks, outdoor shower, shade, insect screening. Depending on how close to the water you are you'll have to think about salt tolerance when choosing building materials and plants. While 'beach house' evokes thoughts of summer, if you are in a southern region plan for winter as well with good solar orientation and insulation (I spent a miserable winter holiday in a beach house once with terrible condensation)....See More- 12 years ago
- 12 years ago
- 12 years ago
- 12 years ago
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