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Need help designing a Tuscan style garden and deck roofing

7 years ago
last modified: 7 years ago

I am starting from scratch with a north facing full sun side garden which is seen directly through large sliding doors off a deck from my open plan kitchen. One saving grace to this desolate area is a fence line hedge. The suckering 'Mop Top' trees have been removed. Plantings against the house were removed.

I'm finding the modern box-like architecture of my home a challenge to work with as most gardens I see for this style are minimalist and I love gardening.

I plan to incorporate raised vegetable garden beds and crushed granite instead of grass. I would like a feature in the middle of the area to add interest as viewed from within my home ... eg Large French urn planter, rusted iron sculpture, water feature, Cyprus Pencil Pines, decorative fireplace mantle style against the fence line hedge etc. I plan some fruit trees ...eg lemon, lime, small fig tree, plum. Where in the design is espalier an option?

I am confused .... a symmetrical look or natural "rooms"!

There is a deck which runs off the kitchen at ground level. I need to shade the deck from full bright sun without taking away light from inside the house ...... and under cover protection from wet weather for outdoor living. The roof of the home is high and I wonder if the deck roof could be unusually high to allow more light in.

The style of a Tuscan winery excites me. My thoughts even extend to natural tree pole struts to support the new roofing if not out of character with the home. I can attach photos of the area.

Thank you in anticipation.

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