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Benefits of Opening & Ventilated Skylights

Skylight ventilation provides many advantages to your living space such as improving your daily comfort levels and enhancing the privacy of the structure. So when you want to improve the area that you work or live in, it’s worth thinking about installing opening or ventilated skylights.

There are a ton of benefits of ventilating the room with skylights. Opening and ventilated skylights are easy to install, and taking the time to crack open the skylight as part of your daily routine is really simple. Here we look at the positive impact this seemingly small adjustment can have on your home or office, so you can make an informed decision about whether this style of ventilation is right for you.

It’s important to note that ‘opening skylights’ are mechanical, and able to be opened and closed, whereas ‘ventilated skylights’ are passive – they are fixed in a ventilated position. Both are great for ventilating your space, and the following considerations apply to both!.

Read More: 10 Benefits of Opening & Ventilated Skylights
