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Kitchen design help needed

5 years ago
last modified: 5 years ago

Hi there!

I would really love to have a reach-in pantry in my kitchen but can't see how! We are planning to move the island to 0.8m from the left wall to open up space near the stairs. My original thought was to have the pantry against the left side of the kitchen and connecting the back and island benches (for a 0.8m x 2.6m "reach-in" pantry) - however, this would mean the island bench will NOT be an island which I'm not sure I'm willing to give up. The pantry is currently just a 0.6m x 1.2m cupboard against the back wall. Help!

Also any ideas on WIR configuration would be great! The door to the bedroom cannot be moved though (we want it there due to living room configuration).



Appreciate your help!!

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