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Five benefits of ducted heating

BM Heating & Cooling
last year
last modified: last year

1. Comfortable and convenient

Nobody enjoys coming home to a cold house, much less spending time in one. You’ll have to wait a long time for your electric heater or air conditioner to warm up your living space thoroughly, even if you have one. This problem is solved by using central air conditioning, which allows you to set consistent temperatures throughout the day. Ducted systems can be built from the ground up or customized to fit an existing home. They have an indoor (in-ceiling) or outdoor (outside or underfloor) unit, as well as flexible ducting. You’ll be able to tailor the perfect level of comfort for your entire home from one control panel once the system is installed, providing comfort and warmth wherever it’s needed. Smart thermostats and other modern features allow you to set different temperatures for each room, lower the temperatures automatically while you’re sleeping or outside, etc.

2. Efficient

Most gas ducted heating manufacturers now make highly efficient 4, 5, 6, and even 7-star heaters, lowering the cost of running a ducted heating system without sacrificing heat output. As a result, these systems emit significantly less CO2 and consume significantly less energy than electric heaters and other forms of heating. An example of this is geothermal heating, which uses the earth’s natural warmth to warm your home in the winter.

3. Easier to control

A central control panel, which can be found in one of your home’s main rooms, controls ducted heating systems. This means you can change your home temperature by pressing a button on the control panel. Control panels can also be zoned, making it simple to specify which rooms you want to heat and which you don’t. Even if you’re not at home, you can still control some ducted heating systems via the internet. You can turn on your ducted heating before leaving work and return home to a warm house. Ducted heating is also a precise and dependable way to maintain the temperature in your home at the exact level you desire.

4. Value for money

Due to high installation or operational costs, many people opt not to have heating systems installed in their residences. Electric ducted heating systems and heating systems (gas ducted) are not the same. In most cases, they can be installed in less than a day, and both of them are efficient and environmentally beneficial when it comes to heating your home.

5. Healthier

If you have asthma or another respiratory condition, you’ll want your home to stay at a consistent temperature, especially before sunrise, when the outside temperature can drop dramatically. Even if it’s freezing outside, ducted heating makes it much easier to control and stabilize the ambient temperature inside the house precisely.

For more information , read a full article

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