Small House - Floorplan Ideas/Feedback Needed. Help!
11 months ago
last modified: 11 months ago
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Feedback on floorplan on a sloping block- Need help!
Comments (27)ddarroch Thanks for all the great suggestions. Pity indeed about the directions of the sun and view. Can't change the profile of the block only can try to work out the best based on what it is. Very valid points about the heating VS. clerestory windows. We are in the temperate climate region which keeping warm it’s an issue in winter. We have thought about to have low-e glass in the south facing side but looks like we probably need to have double glazing in places like the north facing clerestory windows like you suggest. No ideas how much more double glazing will cost but certainly we need to include a fair amount into our budget. Agree with having a door separating the living from the back of the house like you said. Much better for heating and sound insulation. Again thanks a lot....See MoreHelp please! Floorplan ideas needed for underneath the house...
Comments (14)Thank you oklouise. That’s very nice of you to offer. We have had a builder provide some advice around some of the structural walls, etc - one of which is that little storage area under the new ensuite. We had explored removing that to make it a double garage but it really would blow out costs and advice was the extended double garage would probably be cheaper. I do very much see your point about spending money on legal-height extra room though - makes complete sense. I would like to do something with the front porch - with the deck and under deck areas, I don’t foresee us using the porch much at all. The exterior house walls are structural though so again, it could be costly to move. There is also a window into Bed2 that opens onto the porch so this would either have to be filled in (there is another one but not sure we want to decrease light or breeze) or built around. I did want to close in the screen door to the living room and build in a bit but it could be a lot of expense for perhaps a metre wide gain!!? I wasn’t sure how we were going to use the storage under the new ensuite but from your design, I think that garage area would be good as the kids play room and that area as their toy/games storage. With family overseas, we usually travel once a year and have luggage for all of us so happy to have just an extra storage room (such as that under the porch). We only really need 4 bedrooms so I still think sacrificing the upstairs study is probably still the best use of space. We were going to do the reno in two stages - garage, ensuite and stairs before we moved in and then downstairs afterwards. Perhaps we hold off on the stairs to live in and feel first....See MoreFloor-plan feedback/ideas needed -What do you think of this floor-plan
Comments (51)siriuskey, Yes, the courtyard is open to the sky (no roof over it), I assume this is what you mean by double story. Ref. below photos, I would love to get this look, especially the first and last photo, where you can see family living space from the first floor. I can't achieve this in my plan as it eats a lot of floor space upstairs. The referred plan (photos) has a very big void combining staircase, hallway and dining area. I know it is not easy with cooling and heating when you have such a big void. So, I explored a few ideas (with my limited knowledge on this topic) before achieving the current floorplan. I have also thought about, in my current plan, extending the void on the staircase to the dining area (it is more like L shape) but i wasn't sure if that makes any difference. keen to hear your thoughts....See MoreHelp, confused! Floor-plan feedback needed
Comments (31)The wow factor can be achieved in many ways. You have a big parcel of land at 700sqm. At the moment you have a big box as your house plan with, in my opinion, too many rooms for only 3 occupants. You obviously have a decent budget, so look at a plan that has multifunctional rooms, that will offer the same use but not vacant rooms not being used. You have 5 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms and 4 living areas, for 3 people. Do you have a view, will you ever actually sit at the balcony or just have to sweep it when dust accumulates. Build smart not necessarily big. Are you needing a house with all these rooms, or are you trying to impress friends and family. We all want to impress our friends and family, but a nice looking home with a wonderful FEEL and the WOW factor doesn’t have to be lots of rooms that may not get used....See More- 11 months ago
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