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Looking for feedback on proposed renovation/floorplan -1926 home in SA

4 years ago
last modified: 4 years ago


I'm considering bidding on a house at auction that appears to have great potential for a renovation, but I am unsure whether doing so will be within my budget! My partner and I would do the reno in stages over time for financial reasons (e.g. outdoor living/pool/landscaping in a couple of years).

I have used 4 different online calculators for renovation costs and get wildly different results, ranging from $130k for the internal renos, to $700k for the lot. Of course there are so many variables and unknowns, a bit like asking how long is a piece of string, but I thought someone with experience/in the building industry might be able to assess from the proposed floorplan changes whether it's going to cost a bomb, or could be done for $300k, which would be our budget for internal changes. If this looks like it'd cost well over that then we would leave the house and find another.

The house was built in 1926 and in the 60's there was an extension for a dental practice, then in the 70's they renovated again (and sadly removed all the character features internally, which we'd like to reinstate - ceiling roses, skirting boards etc, get rid of downlights). The extensions are really ugly and we'd like to demolish most of them, but retain bedroom 3, laundry, and kitchen as parts of extension to keep. I have drawn up the proposed new floorplan just as an idea without any building/engineering knowledge, purely based on our needs and trying to avoid moving wet rooms.

As you can see the floorplan is huge and contains too many rooms to be useful for us. Too many external doors also! We want to create open plan living, 4bdr, 2 bathrooms. We would employ an architect to create the design for us.

Any insight would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

Original floorplan above. Idea of how we could improve it below. Demolishing approx. 116sqm. Demolishing approx 14m of internal walls. Closing off 4 doors and filling in open external wall 1.5m. 2.5m new internal walls. New butler's pantry. Renovating/redoing kitchen, bathrooms, laundry, WIR, but not moving them within floorplan. Creating new window openings on north wall (living).

Another idea I had was to utilise the rear lane (subject to council approval) for carport/garage access, which is west facing, and demolish all of the existing carports which take up so much of the north facing aspect, allowing us to rework the garden/pool better.

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